Daily Thoughts

Uplifting Daily Christian Thoughts

Saturday, November 4

This Too Will Pass

If I can endure for this minute

Whatever is happening to me,

No matter how heavy my heart is

Or how "dark" the moment may be.

If I can remain calm and quiet

With all my world crashing about me,

Secure in the knowledge God loves me

When everyone else seems to doubt me.

If I can but keep on believing

What I know in my heart to be true,

That darkness will fade with the morning

And that This Will Pass Away Too.

Then nothing in life can defeat me

For as long as this knowledge remains,

I can suffer whatever is happening.

For I know God will break all the chains

That are binding me tight in the darkness,

And trying to fill me with fear

For there is no night without dawning,

And I know that my morning is near.

The love of my Heavenly Father keeps me

His blessings will carry me through,

The valley of sorrow and suffering

For His promise is eternally true.

Author Unknown

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