Daily Thoughts

Uplifting Daily Christian Thoughts

Tuesday, September 26

Eye of the Beholder

Jim went to church one Sunday morning...

He heard the organist miss a note, and he winced.

He saw a teen talking when everyone else was praying.

He felt certain the usher was watching to see what he put in the offering plate,
and it made him boil.

Five times, by actual count,he caught the preacher in slip-of-the-tongue mistakes.

During the invitation, he slipped out the side door, all the while muttering to himself, "What a waste of time!"

Ron went to church, also...

He heard the pianist play an arrangement of "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God," and he was stirred to worship by the majesty of it.

A special missions offering was received, and he was glad his church was doing what they could for people around the world.

He especially appreciated the sermon that Sunday; it really spoke to a need in his life.

He thought, as he shook the preacher's hand and left, "How can anyone come here and not feel the presence of God?"

Jim and Ron were in the same church, on the same day. Each man found what he was looking for.

Author Unknown

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