Daily Thoughts

Uplifting Daily Christian Thoughts

Monday, April 24

Daily Bible Reading

Double click on the verses to read the verses online. In the new window, click on the speaker icon to listen to the verses.

Old Testament: Joshua 3:1 - 5:12

New Testament Luke 22:1 - 38

Psalms/Proverbs Psalm 50:1-15

Based on NIV Seasons of Reflection 365-Day Bible

Messages referring to the Bible Reading:

God’s presence and his sure promises

The Devotional Bible (Hardcover)
by Max Lucado (editor); Price: $25.19 (-37%)
Customer Review: I love the word of God and have perused almost every kind of bible I have been able to come in contact with. Saying that, this is the bible I choose to read daily. Not only do you get a little of everything Max Lucado has written, but the translation is easy to understand while being true to the Word. Highly ...
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He Never Came Dressed That Way Again

I saw him in the church building for the first time last Wednesday. He was in his mid 70's with silver hair and a neat brown suit. Many times in the past I had invited him to come. Several friends had talked to him about the Lord and had tried to share the Good News with him. He was a well-respected, honest man with so many characteristics a Christian should have, but he had never put on Christ.

I had asked him a few years ago, "Have you ever been to a church service in your life?" We had just finished a pleasant day of visiting and talking. He hesitated, then with a bitter smile he told me of a childhood experience some sixty years ago.

He was one of many children in a large impoverished family. His parents had struggled to provide food, with little left for housing and clothing. When he was about ten, some neighbors invited him to worship with them. The Bible class had been very exciting. He had never heard such songs and stories before. He had never heard anyone read from the Bible before.

After class was over, the teacher took him aside and said, "Son, please don't come again dressed as you are now. We want to look our best when we come worship the Lord." He stood in his ragged, unpatched overalls, looked at his bare, dirty feet and said, "No ma'am, I won't ever!" And he never did.

There must have been other factors to have hardened him so, but this experience formed a significant part of the bitterness in his heart. I'm sure the Bible teacher meant well, but what if she had studied and accepted the teachings found in the second chapter of James? What if she had put her arms around that dirty, ragged little boy and said, "Son, I'm so glad you are here, and I hope you will come every chance you get to hear more about Jesus!"

I pray that I might ever be open to the tenderness of a child's heart, and that I might never fail to see beyond the appearance and behavior of a child to the eternal possibilities within.

Yes, I saw him in the church house for the first time last Wednesday. As I looked at that immaculately dressed old gentleman lying in his casket, I thought of the little boy of long ago. I could almost hear him saying, "No ma'am, I won't ever!" .... and I wept.

Author Unknown

Source: Monday Fodder dgaufaaa@i ohk.com?subject=Subscribe_Monday_Fodder

From www.witandwisdom.org
Used with permission

Blue Like Jazz: Nonreligious Thoughts on Christian Spirituality
by Donald Miller; Price: $10.77(23% off)
Customer Review: This book zooms in on what we all are thinking, but don't ever say. It puts words to feelings and thoughts we can't express. It is a realistic portrayal of what a relationship with God should be...[Buy from Amazon.com]


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