Daily Thoughts

Uplifting Daily Christian Thoughts

Friday, January 13

Daily Bible Reading

Double click on the verses to read the verses online. In the new window, click on the speaker icon to listen to the verses.

Old Testament: Genesis 25:1 - 26:35

New Testament Matthew 10:1-31

Psalms/Proverbs Proverbs 1:20-33

Based on NIV Seasons of Reflections

Messages referring to the Bible Reading:

Eternal Principles for Discipleship
The Five Fools to Watch Out For

Play Silent Night

How to Read the Bible Book by Book
Gordon D. Fee, Douglas Stuart; Price: $11.04(35% off)
Customer Review: This book provides specific guidance for reading each book of the Bible by providing an introduction and summary of each book. This title also tries to tie together the big picture and how each book fits ... [Buy from Amazon]


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A Scoutmaster Saves the Day

For weeks the troop has been engaged in expectant preparation for its Parents' Night program. Everything was in order. The walls were filled with displays, the scouts with enthusiasm and the tables with good things to eat.

The toastmaster was well under way. The crowd sang with that respectably restrained enthusiasm that typified a Parents' Night program.

Then Jimmie Davis arose to give his oration. This was the moment he had looked forward to for many weeks. As he arose, he caught a glimpse of his mother's beaming face and his father's stolid assured countenance. He started with a great burst of enthusiasm. He waxed more eloquent, conscious that his listeners were paying a high tribute to him by their careful attention.

Then something happened. The world seemed to swim before him. He slowed down - faltered - stopped. His face flushed, his hands sought each other frantically and in desperation he looked helplessly toward his scoutmaster.

And ever prepared, having heard that boyish masterpiece rehearsed again and again, the boy's leader supplied the missing words and the lad went on. But somehow it was different now. The masterpiece had been marred.

Jimmie paused again - and the scoutmaster prompted him again. For the remaining two minutes, the oration seemed more the scoutmaster's than the boy's.

But Jimmie finished it. In the heart of the lad who sat down, knowing that he had failed, there was a heavy load. Chagrin was plainly written on the face of the boy's mother, and a twitch of the father's face indicated a pained consciousness of shame.

The audience applauded in a perfunctory way, sorry for and pitying the boy who they thought had failed.

But the scoutmaster was on his feet. His quiet eyes twinkled. All listened tensely, for he did not talk loudly. What was he saying?

"I am more happy than any of you can possibly understand because of what has just happened. You have seen a boy make a glorious victory out of what might have been a miserable failure.

"Jimmie had his chance to quit. To have quit would have been easy. But to finish the job even in the face of 200 people required the highest kind of bravery and courage I know.

"You may someday hear a better oratorical effect, but I am confident that you will never see a finer demonstration of the spirit of our troop than Jimmie has just given you - to play the game even under difficulties!"

The people thundered their applause now. Jimmie's mother sat straight and proud. The old look of assurance was back on the face of the boy's father. The entire group was enthusiastic again and Jimmie, with a lump in his throat, said something to the friend beside him that sounded like, "Gee, if I can be that kind of scoutmaster someday."

By Walter MacPeek

Play Amazing Grace

Precious Memories
by Alan Jackson; Price: $9.76 (49% off)
Customer Review: A few decades ago nearly every country singer had at least one--often more--gospel albums in their catalog. Today, aside from gospel veteran Amy Grant, who balances the sacred and secular, and Randy Travis, that concept has long faded. For Alan Jackson, however, treating the musical past as present has been a way of life, as it is with these 15 tim... [read more]


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Persons are gifts of God to me. They are already wrapped. Some beautifully and others less attractively.

Some have been mishandled in the mail; others come "special delivery". Some are loosely wrapped; others are tightly enclosed. But the wrapping is not the gift, and it is important to realize this. It is so easy to make a mistake and to judge the contents by the cover.

Sometimes the gift is opened easily; sometimes the help of another is needed. Perhaps it is because they are afraid or because they have been hurt before and do not want to be hurt again. It could be that they were once opened and then were discarded and now feel more like things rather than persons.

I am a person like everyone else and I too am a gift.

God filled me with a goodness that is only mine. And yet sometimes I am afraid to look inside my own wrapping. Maybe I am afraid that I will be disappointed with what I find and do not trust my own contents. Or perhaps I have never really accepted the gift I am.

Every meeting and sharing between persons is an exchange of gifts. My gift is me; your gift is you. We are gifts to each other.

Author Unknown

Play Amazing Grace

Precious Memories
by Alan Jackson; Price: $9.76 (49% off)
Customer Review: A few decades ago nearly every country singer had at least one--often more--gospel albums in their catalog. Today, aside from gospel veteran Amy Grant, who balances the sacred and secular, and Randy Travis, that concept has long faded. For Alan Jackson, however, treating the musical past as present has been a way of life, as it is with these 15 tim... [read more]


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