Daily Thoughts

Uplifting Daily Christian Thoughts

Wednesday, October 18

Daily Bible Reading

Double click on the verses to read the verses online. In the new window, click on the speaker icon to listen to the verses.

Old Testament: Jeremiah 35:1 - 37:21

New Testament 1 Timothy 2:1 - 15

Psalms/Proverbs Psalm 119:49-56

Based on NIV Seasons of Reflection 365-Day Bible

Messages referring to the Bible Reading:


NIV/The Message Parallel Bible
by Zondervan ; Price: $22.04(37% off)
Customer Review: ... the purpose of the Message is to get people reading the Bible who normally would not. It is not intended to be a stand alone Bible, or a Bible for intense study - although The Message is a great companion translation to study with. I find that it makes me think about a passage in more depth ... [Buy from Amazon.com]


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A Good Look

There isn't one of us on God's green earth
Who hasn't felt our share of sorrow
And in our grief we sometimes feel
That we kind of dread tomorrow.

I too was one who felt that way
Until just recently
Until I took a good, hard look
At the world surrounding me.

I saw people who were starving
I saw hate and violence too
I saw people who were all alone
With no one to turn to.

The more I looked, the more I felt
Ashamed for feeling sad
Compared to some of these poor souls
I didn't have it bad.

I am sure there isn't one of us
Who hasn't said that life's unfair
I'm sure there isn't one of us
Without a cross to bear

But when you're feeling overwhelmed
And crying out the blues
Remember there is always some
Who would gladly trade you shoes!

Author Unknown

The Five Love Languages
by Gary Chapman; Price: $8.39 (40% off)
Customer Review: I am sure that you will love the entire basic but powerful and eye-opening concept- the five love languages. Dr. Chapman focused his attention on married couples in this book but It was a fascinating discovery for me that it applies to almost every situation and relationship ... [read more]


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