There isn't one of us on God's green earth
Who hasn't felt our share of sorrow
And in our grief we sometimes feel
That we kind of dread tomorrow.
I too was one who felt that way
Until just recently
Until I took a good, hard look
At the world surrounding me.
I saw people who were starving
I saw hate and violence too
I saw people who were all alone
With no one to turn to.
The more I looked, the more I felt
Ashamed for feeling sad
Compared to some of these poor souls
I didn't have it bad.
I am sure there isn't one of us
Who hasn't said that life's unfair
I'm sure there isn't one of us
Without a cross to bear
But when you're feeling overwhelmed
And crying out the blues
Remember there is always some
Who would gladly trade you shoes!
Author Unknown
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Categories: daily-thoughts perspective attitude faith poem
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