Three things in life that, once gone, never come back -
Time, Words & Opportunity
Three things in life that may never be lost -
Peace, Hope & Honesty
Three things in life that are most valuable -
Love, Faith & Prayer
Three things in life that are never certain -
Dreams, Success & Fortune
Three things that make a man -
Hard work, Sincerity & Commitment
Three things in life that can destroy a man -
Lust, Pride & Anger
Three things that are truly constant -
Father, Son & Holy Spirit
I ask the Lord to bless you, as I pray for you today;
To guide you and protect you, as you go along your way.
His love is always with you, His promises are true.
And when you give Him all your cares, you know He'll see you through.
Author Unknown
| Praying with the Psalms by Eugene H. Peterson; Price: $10.01 (-23%) Customer Review: If you're familiar with "The Message" by Eugene Peterson, you will enjoy this daily devotional. I love what he says in his introduction, "We are most ourselves when we pray" and "When that deep, deep center of our lives is exposed -- our core humanity, which biblical writers so vigorously designate as "heart" -- [read more] |
Categories: daily-thoughts wisdom life faith God
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