Daily Thoughts

Uplifting Daily Christian Thoughts

Friday, October 6

Daily Bible Reading

Double click on the verses to read the verses online. In the new window, click on the speaker icon to listen to the verses.

Old Testament: Jeremiah 9:17 - 11:17

New Testament Colossians 1:24 - 2:5

Psalms/Proverbs Psalm 117:1-2

Based on NIV Seasons of Reflection 365-Day Bible

Messages referring to the Bible Reading:


Life You've Always Wanted, The
by John Ortberg; Price: $12.34(35% off)
Customer Review: This is a wonderful book for Bible study or just to read. Unlike other books about spiritual disciplines, this one gives practical ideas that are easy to incorporate into your daily life. It is very uplifting and removes alot of guilt from not living up to what you may think is expected of you as a Christian ... [Buy from Amazon.com]


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ABC's of a Fruitful Life

A lways put God first in your life.
B e a true friend and you will have many friends.
C ount and thank God for your many blessings daily.
D iscipline yourself. Decide to make your life count.
E dify and encourage others consistently.
F ollow great leaders and then become one.
G ive liberally and joyfully of your time, talents and means.
H ave an attitude of gratitude.
I nvert any negatives thrown your way. Turn them into positives.
J ourney through life one step and one day at a time.
K eep written goals set ahead. Make specific plans to accomplish them.
L ove and forgive everybody.
M aximize your strengths and minimize your weaknesses.
N ever, never, never give up!
O pen the door wide when opportunity knocks.
P ractice patience. Promote peace.
Q uit bad habits by replacing them with good habits.
R ead God's Word and other profitable material every chance you get.
S hare the Gospel whenever and wherever possible.
T ake time to appreciate everything and everyone God has given to you.
U se your God given common sense.
V isualize your dreams and stretch to reach for them
W atch, listen and pray without ceasing.
X amine your motives on a regular basis.
Y ield to the Holy Spirit when He prompts you.
Z oom in on God's real purpose for your life.

Author Unknown

Captured by Grace
by David Jeremiah; Price: $14.29(-35%)
Customer Review: By following the dramatic story of the "Amazing Grace" hymn writer John Newton, and the Apostle Paul's own encounter with the God of grace, Dr. David Jeremiah helps readers understand the freeing power of permanent forgiveness and mercy. Here are dramatic stories and biblical insights about the very... [read more]


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