Daily Thoughts

Uplifting Daily Christian Thoughts

Friday, October 20

Daily Bible Reading

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Old Testament: Jeremiah 40:7 - 42:22

New Testament 1 Timothy 4:1 - 16

Psalms/Proverbs Proverbs 25:11-20

Based on NIV Seasons of Reflection 365-Day Bible

Messages referring to the Bible Reading:

Back to Egypt
Taming The Wind

NIV/The Message Parallel Bible
by Zondervan ; Price: $22.04(37% off)
Customer Review: ... the purpose of the Message is to get people reading the Bible who normally would not. It is not intended to be a stand alone Bible, or a Bible for intense study - although The Message is a great companion translation to study with. I find that it makes me think about a passage in more depth ... [Buy from Amazon.com]


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The longer I live the more I realize the impact of attitude on life.

Attitude to me is more important than the past, than education, money, than circumstances, failures, success, than what other people think or say or do.

It is more important than appearance, giftedness or skill.

It will make or break a company, a church, a home.

The remarkable thing is that we have a choice every day regarding the attitude we will embrace for that day.

We cannot change our past, we cannot change that people will act a certain way.

We cannot change the inevitable.

The only thing we can do is play on the one string we have, and that is our attitude.

I am convinced that life is ten percent what happens to me and ninety percent how I react to it.

And so it is with you.

We are in charge of our attitudes.

Charles Swindoll

Calm My Anxious Heart : A Woman's Guide to Contentment
by Linda Dillow; Price: $10.78(23% off)
Customer Review:Redefines a woman's view of contentment. Written by a person who has struggled with worry. What a different world this would be if every woman read this book. This will be ... [Buy from Amazon.com]


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